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Category - Family law


DIVORCE: spouse hiding assets in Companies or Trusts? What to do.
Men Are Also Entitled To The Same Maternity Leave Benefits
Can an extra-marital lover of an unfaithful spouse claim maintenance?
Maintaining Your Standard of Living After Divorce: The Truth About Spousal Maintenance
Why divorcing without an attorney is a bad idea
Settlement agreements and freedom of testation – what you need to know
Divorce vs Separation – what’s the difference?
I am married in community of property. Can I sign a separate will?
Antenuptial Contracts And How They Are Executed
When will the Department of Social Development remove a child from his/her home?
Don’t wait too long before enforcing your claim for the division of a joint estate in the case of a divorce. You might otherwise lose it!
Is your customary marriage registered?
Understanding customary marriages
Sperm donor wants access to his biological son
Does a customary marriage automatically dissolve if parties walk away? - Monyepao v Ledwaba and Others (1368/18) 2020 ZA
I want to emigrate with my child - can my ex refuse consent?
What are the rights and responsibilities of the unmarried father?
How to increase or decrease your child’s maintenance payment
What's in a name?
How do I increase or decrease my child’s maintenance payments?
Can the father of a child, born out of wedlock, insist on his name being added to the birth certificate?
No more “divorce debt” says the Government Employee’s Pension Fund
17 interesting facts and tips on marriage contracts
Wat sou die posisie wees indien hy wel ‘n testament gehad het wat voor die egskeidingsbevel verly is en waarin sy vrou nog die enigste erfgenaam is en hy kom drie weke na die egskeidingsbevel tot sterwe. Sal sy dan kan erf?
Evolution of customary marriages
How can I get the contact details of the father of my child, who fails to pay maintenance? Can I "blacklist" him?
Can the mother claim maintenance for herself while she is pregnant and maintenance for an unborn child?
Clean-break principle and the The Government Employees Pension Fund (the GEPF)
Grandparents’ right to a relationship with their grandchildren
Spousal Maintenance: A Discretion - Not A Right
Do both spouses have to sign a contract for the sale of land where they entered into a customary marriage?
At what date is the accrual determined in divorce matters?
Guidelines for surrogacy applications
Watter remedies het ek vir agterstallige onderhoud?
Hoe word die bedrag onderhoud betaalbaar bepaal?
In watter hof word onderhoudsaansoeke aangehoor?
Wanneer kom 'n onderhoudsplig tot 'n einde?
Wie het 'n onderhoudsplig?
Do both spouses have to sign a suretyship where they are married in community of property?
Is a contract of sale of land signed by only one spouse married in community of property valid?
Kan ‘n gade nog die voordeel van ‘n huwelik binne gemeenskap van goedere geniet indien ‘n egskeidingsaksie aanhangig gemaak was voor datum van dood?
Wie behoort ek as voogde vir my minderjarige kinders te benoem?
I am divorced. Can I appoint guardians for my minor children thereby excluding my former spouse?
Ek is geskei. Kan ek voogde benoem tot uitsluiting van my voormalige gade?
Ek is buite gemeenskap van goedere met die aanwas bedeling getroud. Hoe beïnvloed die aanwasbedeling die opstel van my testament?
Ek is binne gemeenskap van goedere getroud. Val die langslewende gade se bates ook in die bestorwe boedel?
When can a custodian parent remove a minor from RSA after the divorce?
What should be considered when choosing a marital regime in a marriage contract?
What is the position of a spouse’s pension in the case of a divorce?
What is a marriage out of community of property with the accrual system?
What are the rights of the natural father of a child born out of wedlock?
What are grounds for divorce in South Africa?
Watter regsreëls geld by voogdyskap oor kinders en het 'n voog die reg om 'n plaasvervangende voog aan te wys?
Wat moet oorweeg word wanneer 'n huweliksgoederebedeling gekies word?
Wat gedoen met onroerende goed by egskeidings?
Wat bepaal die Wet op Voorkoming van Gesinsgeweld?
Is there a duty on children to maintain their parents?
Is die vader ook ‘n voog van ‘n buite-egtelike kind?
Is a wife required to take her husband’s last name?
How old must a person be to get married?
How is a maintenance claim calculated?
Het kinders 'n regsplig om hulle ouers te onderhou?
Do grandparents have to support their grandchildren?
+ 55 Articles
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