SPLUMA & Land Use Planning
We regularly provide advice on the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act, provincial planning laws, and, in particular and various municipal planning by-laws.

We can assist in Land use planning and with a strong background in Environmental law also assists in matters relating to:

1. Protected areas
2. Heritage areas,
3. Administrative law,
4. Local government and regulation of municipal land.
Environmental Law
Environmental law entails the application of laws and legal principles to any matter relating to our environment and includes water, air, soil, waste and other emissions and the associated impacts to the natural and human environment.

We have assisted clients with both complying with the relevant environmental laws as well as opposing developments that were detrimental to the environment.
Due diligence Audits - Property
In a time where land and property rights is a contentious issue we have raised to the occasion to assist our clients with investigating and understanding their property portfolio.

We have worked closely with major mining houses to assist with due diligence investigations in relation to immovable property, reviewing title deeds to assessing material risks, including in respect of security of tenure, any mortgage bonds or other encumbrances, restrictive conditions and servitudes and/or any other rights impacting a property.

We have also assisted Mines to review lease agreements, assessing terms and conditions, including the commercial risks of termination or renegotiation, the ability to pledge or assign, any change in control provisions, the ability to sub-let or licence, and termination rights.
Contract due diligence investigations
During a Merger and Acquisition period or during a period of restructuring a business may have the opportunity to reassess the supply contracts in place – making sure that contract prices and terms and conditions are met as per the agreement. Regular due diligence audits may assist your business in reducing costs.

We have in the past assisted mines with Contractual due diligence audits as well as Enterprise Development and the integration and implementation of commitments made in terms of the SLP regarding these local community vendors.