The Local Government: Municipal Property Act, 6 of 2004, provides municipalities with the power to levy a rate on properties in its area. The rate is calculated on the market value of a property and is commonly known as the rates and taxes that you pay to the municipality each month. Do you know how your rates and taxes are calculated?
The municipality compiles a valuation roll which provides the value of each property in the area of the relevant municipality. The valuation roll must be updated every four years, in respect of a metropolitan municipality, and every five years in respect of a local municipality. Property owners must take note that they have a limited period within which to object to the municipal valuation of their property once same is published. If no objection is lodged, the valuation assigned to your property will be deemed to be correct and your monthly municipal rates and taxes will be calculated on the increased value of your property.
The 2021 valuation roll was published on 10 February 2021 by the Rustenburg Local Municipality. You now have until 30 April 2021 to object to the value allocated to your property by the municipal valuator. The relevant valuation roll and objection forms may be obtained from the website of the Rustenburg Local Municipality. The valuation roll and objection forms are also available on our website. You can scan the QR code below, alternatively visit
The municipal manager must, within 14 days after the time period to lodge objections has expired, submit all objections to the municipal valuer. The municipal valuer will consider the objections and must notify every person on the outcome of the objection. Should you not be satisfied with the outcome of the objection, you may ask for the reasons of the decision taken by the municipal valuator, within 30 days after receiving the outcome of your objection. Such reasons must then be provided within 30 days.
Janus Olivier, Van Velden – Duffey
Scan this QR code to view the 2021 valuation roll and to obtain objection forms: