Willem is an Associate in the Civil Litigation Department of our firm where he is actively involved with various civil litigation matters in both Magistrates’ Courts and High Courts.

He is also actively involved with eviction matters and more specifically matters related to the Prevention of Illegal Eviction from and Unlawful Occupation of Land Act in which he gained extensive knowledge in order to specialize in this field.

Willem is also actively involved in our Correspondent Practice in which he has obtained experience in general civil litigation, administrations, insolvency creditors meetings, domestic violence matters and harassment interdicts.

Willem obtained his BComm (law) degree in 2010 and further obtained is LLB degree in 2012 from the North-West University (Potchefstroom).

Willem is involved in various community forums such as the hunters associations in which he obtained dedicated hunter and sport statuses. In his spare time he enjoys the challenges in the hunting field apart from also being a farmer which keeps him humble and a pursuer of equality and fairness.

Willem’s friendly and easy-going manner helps put his clients at ease. He backs this up with strong administrative skills to ensure that work outputs are delivered on time and to his exacting standards with the necessary attention to detail which the nature of his work requires.

B.Com (Law)


Attorney of the High Court of South Africa

Tel: 014 592 1135

Extension: 276

Email: willemvdm@vvd.co.za

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  • Commercial Law
  • General Litigation in Magistrate’s Court and High Court
  • Evictions
  • Harassment Interdicts
  • Correspondent Instructions
  • Insolvency Creditors Meetings