The firm Van Velden-Duffey evolved from a firm that was established in 1887 in Rustenburg by HKJ van Noorden. In 1975 the firms Van Velden Lategan & Erasmus and Duffey Krüger & Potgieter amalgamated and the new combined firm commenced practice under the name of the two then senior partners, Van Velden and Duffey.

Vision and Mission

Our vision is to be the leading law firm in Rustenburg and in North West.
Our mission is to expand the firm by providing market related and value adding legal services of the highest quality to our clients by means of the optimal use of the best available resources (in the form of personnel, equipment and technology) within the framework of

  • a business approach
  • unimpeachable integrity

and in a spirit of

  • being service orientated
  • mutual co-operation, and involvement with and concern for the community.

Code of Conduct for Professional Staff

Experience and Training

Apart from our current skills base, which is enhanced by further involvement in day-to-day practice, members of the professional team regularly attend various external training seminars to keep abreast of the latest legal developments.

Furthermore, the professional team meets weekly for internal training sessions, during which legal developments – in particular the latest reported case law – are discussed. At Van Velden-Duffey we believe that we constantly have to remain students of the law and that we cannot afford, in the interests of our clients, to become complacent as far as our legal knowledge is concerned.


As a well-established firm, Van Velden-Duffey has a wide client base. The firm prides itself not only on the large number of clients it serves, but also on the long-standing relationship it maintains with its clients. The firm believes that client retention is more important than merely attracting new clients. Corporate clients of the firm include various well-established companies, but we also represent many individual clients.

Employment Equity

Van Velden-Duffey is fully committed to the new South Africa and our staff composition is testament to this commitment.

Community Involvement

Our professional team does not practice in a vacuum but takes active part in community affairs.

We have always regarded ourselves as part and parcel of Rustenburg and its community, and will continue to plough back into the community whatever we are able to contribute.